
Colorful Silence

And, of course, a quote...

“When words become unclear,

 I shall focus with photographs.

 When images become inadequate,

 I shall be content with silence.”

 - Ansel Adams



Cause for Pause

"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." - Guillaume Apollinaire


Pure Thoughts


“If a man's mind becomes pure,

 his surroundings will also become pure.”

 - Buddha 


Obvious Beauty

This morning, I watched Autism: The Musical, and it busted me wide open. I felt amazingly wounded, and healed at the same time. My son was "officially" diagnosed with autism last week, and even though it came as no surprise, I'll admit I was hanging on to a small shred of false hope just before the official stamp was hammered down.

But, it's not a death sentence. It's a gift. My son is a gift.

If you watch the movie (and I really hope that you do!), you'll see what I mean.

After the movie was over, I had to take a walk outside before I suffocated on my own emotions.


I kept thinking of the mom who cried, and said, "I can't make people value my daughter." I have felt her pain. My son has been scorned and misunderstood by people as close as neighbors, friends, and even family.

As I walked around, and looked around, I just kept thinking...I don't get it. How can you live in this world, and not see it? How can you not see the obvious beauty of every living thing? How can you not believe that everything (and everyone) has value?

And, how do we learn, and teach others, to open our arms and hearts to all of it?


Here are the links to the movie. It's in seven parts (an hour and 33 minutes long). If you give it the time, I can almost guarantee you will fall in love with at least five, and hopefully more, kids with autism.

Autism: The Musical Part 1

Autism: The Musical Part 2

Autism: The Musical Part 3

Autism: The Musical Part 4

Autism: The Musical Part 5

Autism: The Musical Part 6

Autism: The Musical Part 7/7


Only Life

"There is nothing perfect...only life."

 ― Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees