My baby girl got glasses yesterday...
Now she can see birds pooping on the car...
My baby girl got glasses yesterday...
Now she can see birds pooping on the car...
“When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help. That's the message he is sending.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh
Here are some of the pictures from last weekends photo shoot. I had a lot of fun with these kiddos...
Isn't big brother/little sister love the sweetest?
This is one of my favorites from the day. Gotta love that spunk!
(Thanks for letting me share these, Nikki. Let's get together again soon!)
Awhile back, I let some gremlins go, and even though it felt kind of was a good, good thing.
The space once occupied by the gremlins was filled with a sense of clarity, I saw doors opening up all around me. I saw that the box I was trying to stuff myself into didn't fit me, so I got the heck out.
I always thought clarity would bring security, but it's been the opposite.
Clarity took me out of a safe place; a place dominated by fear, and threw me into the unknown.
I miss the safety of the box, but I knew it was time to surrender.
I read something recently, by the author, Temple Hayes, and I want to write it here so I remember...
I have learned when I am afraid, my trust in God is little to nonexistent. Once I truly let go, I realize the very work I feared doing was what I was here to do. What we fear is often what takes us deeper, fuels our growth, and helps us shine. I thank God for giving me the courage to embrace who I came here to be.
This past saturday, I had my first ever, semi-official photo session with an adorable brother and sister team.
I never thought I wanted to use my camera in that way, but at the urging of my neighbor (and biggest fan), I decided to give it a try.
I think it was fear of the unknown that made it seem so unappealing to me, but it was actually a lot of fun, and it sent another little gremlin packing.
I highly recommend letting those babies go! are YOU?
I never planned to be away this long. I have a lot of catching up to do.
Happy first day of Spring!!
I really think the things you need to hear, see, and do, will find you somehow, if you are open to them. Or they will find you by force, if you're not.
I like to think that I am open and receptive to the signs of the universe, but, usually, more often than not, I find myself being beaten over the head with something that I should have noticed long ago. I'm stubborn, especially when I smell defeat.
I try harder, until I burn out. I know it, but I do it anyway. I don't like the words, "give up".
But, gosh, what if I just called it "rest"? What if I learned to give myself permission to rest?
I read a great post this morning called, Attention Overachievers: You Have Permission to Let Go, by way of the wise and wonderful, Deidra at Jumping Tandem. I think it's something that we could all benefit from (as a society), not just stubborn ol' me.
Sidebar...Can you tell me what I like about this photo below? It's a mistake, obviously. I'm not looking through the view finder, just reaching my arm down, and trying to point at the flower.
I have a quirky little habit of sometimes just shooting without looking, just so I'll be surprised when I'm uploading. Try it, it's fun!
Anyway, I'm taking a break from this space for a bit. It's okay. I have permission. :)
I've been thinking way too much lately, about what and how I want it to be here. So much so, that I don't even know anymore.
I'm so glad I was lead to read that post today. The hamster wheel in my head really does need a rest, I guess.
I'll still be over at my other place, if you want to visit me there...(I can't ask my hamster to stop running completely! It needs the exercise.) you think I'm missing the point?