
Rockin' the Boat

I'm getting ready to rock the boat. Rock my boat. Tip it over. Dive into the cool, clear water. Shake off complacency.

This time of year always does that to me. After the newness and reflection of January...February leaves me agitated and anxious to make changes. What's working? What isn't?

Do I want to keep casting a line into empty waters for the sake of peace and tranquility, or do I want to catch some fish?

I'm hungry. I want some fish. And by fish I mean, the things that I want out life. My life. The things that feed my soul.

I've spent the past "too many" months in quiet reflection...laying it all out, and now I know...the fish just aren't biting for me here anymore. I need to move my boat. Find a new spot.

This is just a dramatic way of saying, my domain is set to expire next week, and I'm not going to renew it. I'm moving on...starting fresh, somewhere else, with something new.


A Good Day

Driving in a blizzard

to a college town.

Having lunch

with an old friend

that I've know

since I was eight.

Time spent



and catching up.

That was a good day.


Funky Chicken

I know there is a fine line between funky and tacky...between hip and completely off the wall. I'm not really sure if I know where that line is anymore.

I'm not even sure I care.

I think I've entered the "I shall wear purple" phase of my life.

I feel free of limits and expectations.

I just want to dance my dance, and maybe even start a riot.



The "verse in my pocket" and I are taking our relationship to the next level.

Voila! I made a cuff.


On the Peace Path

"Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace."

I am not one to quote scripture, but there it is...Proverbs 3:17.

I read the verse last Friday, and I liked it so much that I wrote it down, folded it up, and put it in my pocket for the day. It's still there. My birthday present from the universe.

Those little words have had a big effect on me. They loop in my head, and immediately diffuse my not-so-pleasant-thoughts (ahem...should they occur).  They make me want to smile at strangers, and live better, bigger...from the heart.

It's been working on my kids too.  Curing most cases of sibling rivalry and/or "tweenness" that's peace, baby!

How about you? Do you have any words like this that can melt you in the moment, and keep you on the path of peace?