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So, here I go into the blogosphere. It's kind of scary. I don't normally "put myself out there," but I have an idea for a small business, and I'm really excited about it. I'll give you more details as it starts to develop, but I realized if I don't start "putting myself out there," my great idea will die on the cutting room floor...it's happened before. Starting a blog is a good step, so today I decided to...aaaaaaaaaaaaaah...jump! I have to digress here, and tell you that about 20 years ago or so, I was in the electronics department of a Best store, and someone was playing the beginning of Van Halen's Jump, over and over and over, on an electric keyboard. It was a little (no, a lot) annoying, but to this day, when I say the word "jump" that moment plays in my head.

Sorry if I have that stuck in YOUR head now, but maybe you'll think of me today.
There...that wasn't so hard.

Quote of the day - Express yourself, no matter who it may annoy, at least they'll remember you. - Kelly Peck

Reader Comments (1)

Welcome to blogworld...a very scary place where thoughts are scattered like dry leaves before a storm......
I refuse to listen to that song, I have enough crazy songs in my head as it is!

January 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCarolyn

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