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This morning with my coffee, I was reading Dear Daisy Cottage. Have you ever read her blog? If not, I'm sure you've been living under a rock, and you should crawl out right now and go read it!...well, after you're finished here. Anyway, a couple of days ago she had a post about childhood memories. Sometimes, I don't know what it is...the way she rights, the music, or maybe just the eye candy, but sometimes she gets me...right in the heart. I found myself getting all sappy and sentimental remembering my childhood...wondering if my kiddos are making the kind of memories that will have them crying in their coffee 30 years from now. I can only hope...

Life can be funny sometimes, never knowing what to expect. Sometimes you get lucky enough to see the answer to your prayers almost immediately, sometimes you have to wait a while. I was still in the process of boo-hooing, when Macy came out on to the porch with something cupped in her dirty, little hands. "Look Mom! A frog!!" Wow! I was a pretty good frog catcher in my day...some of my greatest memories. Thanks for hopping along when you did frog, and answering my prayers. Thanks for helping us make a new memory.

Quote of the day - I'd kiss a frog even if there was no promise of a Prince Charming popping out of it. I love frogs. - Cameron Diaz

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