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The Best Restaurant in Town

I cleaned our back porch earlier this week, since the weather was so nice; swept up all of the cobwebs, mopped the floor, arranged the furniture. Of course that night the kiddos decided the porch would be a great place to open a new restaurant. Why do kids always seem to be drawn to the place you just finished cleaning? I guess for the same reason they need to talk to you the minute they realize your on the phone with someone. Anyway, last night Macy was back in restaurant-mode; in and out of the back door, carrying this and that. It worked for me. Griffin was napping, Madison was busy on the computer, so I had the chance to clean (I mean CLEAN) the entire kitchen. By the time I was finished with the kitchen it was dark outside. Macy asked me to go look at her restaurant, so I went out on the porch to find what looked like, from what I could see in the dark, a huge mess! Ugh! I think I broke her heart, but after tripping over a few things, and remembering how long it had taken me to clean it up, I was aggravated. In the morning I went out to survey the damage, and what I saw made me feel like the biggest heel. The restaurant was so creative! An exercise ball, a cardboard box, and some camping stools were the tables. Around them were folding chairs and rocking chairs. On top of each table was a handmade menu. There was a tip cup (of course), and a list of specials. It reminded me of how much I loved doing stuff like that when I was a kid, and how I feel kids today don't use their imaginations near enough. I had to wake her up, and tell her how sorry I was for calling her restaurant a mess. It was terrific! They worked on it all day today (except for when they took a little time out to finger paint in the kitchen...yes, the kitchen...oh well). They plan on opening again at 11:00am tomorrow. I was their first customer, and I must say their pretzel and ranch dressing soup is delightful!

Quote of the day - It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. - Henry David Thoreau

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