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Thanks Gram!

I remember the first time someone told me I was creative. It was my Grandma. She was over for lunch one day...I was about four or five. I had brought my doll into the kitchen with me, and sat her down on a chicken wire fence that was rolled up in the corner. I pulled her legs through a couple of the holes on the side, and explained that that was her highchair. My Grandma gushed on about how creative I was! I remember feeling two things - pride, of course, but also a sense of "Really Grandma? It's what I do." My mind has always worked that way, kind of like MacGyver meets Martha Stewart. I have always had the need to create, and while my Grandma was alive, she was always my biggest fan. My gift, I feel, comes from her, not only because of her constant encouragement, but because she was that way herself. She had mad sewing skills, and was always making something for her home or her family. I WAS that way until a couple of years ago, when my life went spinning out of control. I miss the "me" who was able to express my love for my family and friends through handmade things created from my head, heart, and hands. It's what has always given my life meaning. It's who I am, and I have been away from it for far too long. My kids, especially, deserve more than the single, stressed out mother I have become. Certain spontaneous events have been shining a light lately on the path that, I believe, is mine to follow, and I am ready to get back on it. I am making a vow, right here and now, to do less of what is expected of me from others, and do more of what feels right to me. If you hear thunder, it's probably my Grandma stamping her foot in heaven, because I'm going to start sticking my tongue out in family pictures again too.

Quote of the day - My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is. - Ellen DeGeneres (for my Grandpa, who gave me my sense of humor; something else I've been missing lately)

Reader Comments (1)

This really takes me back to the good old days. Thanks for the memories, Kel

April 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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