
When the Bus Leaves

I always have mixed emotions when my kids go back to school, but this year even more so. My baby boy will be starting full day preschool. I know it's a good thing, but I feel like I'm not done with him yet.

Five years ago (five years ago?!), when Madison went to kindergarten, it all seemed like the natural order of things, even though I felt like I wasn't done with her yet either. Why is it so hard for us to separate? We want our kids to grow, and learn, and make new friends, but when it comes time for them to go, we want them to stay babies forever.

Back then, I went overboard on the "getting ready for school" stuff. I read every book I could find from the library. Like this one...

I made these bracelets for us to wear, so that we could feel connected all day. (I think this was more for me, than it was for her.)

I didn't show any signs of worry or apprehension. I smiled when the bus left, and shouted, "Have a great day!"...and then I burst into tears, and played with my bracelet all day until she came home.

When she did come home, she was full of stories about growing, and learning, and making new friends. It was the same when Macy went to school, and I"m sure it will be the same (but, it's too soon. It's not's preschool. I still have two more years left! He's not ready for "getting ready for school" stories, and I'm sure he would eat his bracelet! I've been robbed!) for baby.

So, when the bus leaves again this year, I'll most likely cry, and feel odd, like I'm missing an arm or a leg or something, but really it's my heart that's driving away. I'll feel sad and empty for a while, but then I'll remember it's a good thing...(sniff)

Quote of the day - The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. - Sydney J. Harris


Paintin' Cherries, etc...

Quote of the day - Everything you can imagine is real. - Pablo Picasso


Love Happens

It's true, loves happens when you least expect it.

I bought some cherries today at the grocery store...not necessarily for eating, although they have been hard to resist. I bought them to do something crafty with the kids, since they are part of the company name, and my brain has been overflowing with design/image ideas.

When we got home from the grocery store, I took my camera and the cherries out back, so I could take some pictures to share with you. It wasn't intended to be anything special, until I had the urge to spell out the word 'love'.

So, here I am, sending some unexpected love your way! XXOO!

(I am also resisting the urge to say, "I hope your day is fruitful", 'cause I'm pretty sure that would just kill the moment.)

Quote of the day - Love withers with predictability; its very essence is surprise and amazement. To make love a prisoner of the mundane is to take its passion and lose it forever. - Leo F. Buscaglia


Letting Go

This must be the "year of the life lesson" for me. I'm not trying to be overly philosophical here, it just seems that lately my thought process has been changing. I've been changing.

I was looking at these two photos of my girl at the playground, and noticing that, ironically, they are both about letting go.

In the first photo, her face is set in concentration. She knows she has to let go to grab the next bar, but she needs to control her timing and momentum, or she'll lose her grip and fall. She has a goal to get to the other side, step by step (or bar by bar), she'll get there, reluctantly letting go each time. Thought. Control. Fear of falling. Failing. Getting nowhere. Starting over..but taking the risk.

In the next photo, she's jumping off of the plastic mountain. Why? It's fun. It's liberating. There is no fear. She is just letting go. Losing control and falling are the goals here.

I wasn't always motivated by fear. I guess that's something life taught me, too. Somewhere in my past, I stopped taking risks and started hanging on too tightly, but I'm learning to let go again, and it feels good. Some days, lately, it feels just like jumping off a mountain. Peace!

Quote of the day - All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. - Havelock Ellis



Today was a laundry, vacuuming, crud-scraping kind of day. I've been neglecting my house cleaning duties lately, and if you saw our house on any "normal" given day you would understand that this is not necessarily a good idea. I'm feeling okay about it though. We've been having a good time, filling our days with lots of summer fun before school starts back up again, but I had to do a little bit of maintenance today. We're going to be super busy the next couple of weeks...two birthday parties, a concert, two mini vacations, and school shopping. How's that for cramming in all in at the last minute?

Quote of the day - Housework, if it is done right, can kill you. - John Skow