
The Creek

We went to the creek today! I have three required destinations during summer break - the ledges, the beach, and the creek. These three places are the heart and soul of who I am, so it feels important to me to share these places with my kiddos. When I was growing up, my grandparents lived next to a river and fortunately, for me, their portion of it was shallow and rocky, because as far back as I can remember, I was in that river; skipping stones, catching crayfish, and riding the current.

I felt like I was breathing in happiness the whole time we were there today. Griffin sat down in the middle of the water and threw rocks for what seemed like forever...the perfect thing for a demolition man to do! He didn't want to get dirty. The girls, on the other hand, couldn't resist the "wall of clay".

Bye creek! We had fun today. See you next year!

Quote of the day - There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your heart. - Chandogya Upanishad


Backyard Camping

This morning the girls and I put the tents up in the backyard. I love camping in the backyard, especially with kids. It's all the fun, with less than half the work! The weather today has been absolutely perfect. They played (and fought) out in the tents all day long, which has been great because they weren't doing THIS in the house.

I hope we don't attract any bears!

Quote of the day - The trouble with simple living is that, though it can be joyful, rich, and creative, it isn't simple. - Doris Janzen Longacre


Nobody's Perfect

All right, enough about my Journey to a Better Blog saga. It didn't quite turn out like I had hoped. Oh, I'm not settling. I'm still going to work on it. I'm just not going to bore you with the details anymore. Your welcome.

That kind of brings me to what I was hinting at yesterday...the conversation I had about being successful...

On Wednesday night, a bunch of us grown-ups were sitting around talking, when Macy came in and whispered in my ear, "Ask everyone what their job is." After we all went around and said what we did (my answer was 'Mom'), I asked everyone what they would like to do if they could have any job they wanted, which led into a discussion about limitations, reality, and the "all-mighty paycheck". What really got me thinking though was when someone said, "People who are successful at doing what they want to do in life don't talk about it, they just do it". Hmm. Do you think that's true? I guess to some degree, if they ONLY talk about it, but...

When I find a successful blogger, who is also a small business owner, I always go into their archives and read their first couple of posts. I'm looking for their struggles and imperfections. I'm looking for reassurance that it CAN be done. I'm looking for reality, not polished-over professionalism. I want to know how they got from where they were, to where they are now. I want them to talk about it.

We are all only human after all. Nobody is perfect. We all have flaws. Sometimes we have dreams that make it, and sometimes we have dreams that don't, but we don't have anything unless we try. I think the only real limitation, is thinking that we have limitations.

Quote of the day - Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them. - A.A. Milne


Journey to a Better Blog - Day 3

Deep breaths...I totally messed everything up today. I was playing around with the new and improved templates, saw were I could bold the fonts, and applied it to my blog. Silly me, I didn't realize that I changed the whole layout, and then I couldn't change it back to the way I had it before. My subtle tweaks from months ago are gone. I guess "back up your template" is kinda good advice.

I've been thinking a lot about a conversation I had last night, about people who are successful at doing the things they want to do in life. I'll have to elaborate on it a little bit more tomorrow. I have one kiddo napping, and the other two are with their dad. Time to get some laundry done!

Quote of the day - Life is all about timing...the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable... attainable. Have the patience, wait it out It's all about timing. - Stacey Charter


Journey to a Better Blog - Day 2

Now this is a "skin" I understand!

I'll admit it. I was a little bit over confident yesterday with the couple of things I changed and rearranged on this here blog, but today...not so much. I'm having trouble locating a fancy step-by-step tutorial for the things I'd like to accomplish today, and frankly, I'm getting a headache. Is it bad that I could care less about coding, and that my brain just doesn't seem to want to make room for it? I might give in, and ask for some help. Egads! Me, ask for help? I guess it's time...

Quote of the day - At fifteen life had taught me undeniably that surrender, in its place, was as honorable as resistance, especially if one had no choice. - Maya Angelou