
The Best Restaurant in Town

I cleaned our back porch earlier this week, since the weather was so nice; swept up all of the cobwebs, mopped the floor, arranged the furniture. Of course that night the kiddos decided the porch would be a great place to open a new restaurant. Why do kids always seem to be drawn to the place you just finished cleaning? I guess for the same reason they need to talk to you the minute they realize your on the phone with someone. Anyway, last night Macy was back in restaurant-mode; in and out of the back door, carrying this and that. It worked for me. Griffin was napping, Madison was busy on the computer, so I had the chance to clean (I mean CLEAN) the entire kitchen. By the time I was finished with the kitchen it was dark outside. Macy asked me to go look at her restaurant, so I went out on the porch to find what looked like, from what I could see in the dark, a huge mess! Ugh! I think I broke her heart, but after tripping over a few things, and remembering how long it had taken me to clean it up, I was aggravated. In the morning I went out to survey the damage, and what I saw made me feel like the biggest heel. The restaurant was so creative! An exercise ball, a cardboard box, and some camping stools were the tables. Around them were folding chairs and rocking chairs. On top of each table was a handmade menu. There was a tip cup (of course), and a list of specials. It reminded me of how much I loved doing stuff like that when I was a kid, and how I feel kids today don't use their imaginations near enough. I had to wake her up, and tell her how sorry I was for calling her restaurant a mess. It was terrific! They worked on it all day today (except for when they took a little time out to finger paint in the kitchen...yes, the kitchen...oh well). They plan on opening again at 11:00am tomorrow. I was their first customer, and I must say their pretzel and ranch dressing soup is delightful!

Quote of the day - It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. - Henry David Thoreau



I'm trying to add a little color to my thoughts today. The above picture is from our vacation last summer in Chautauqua Lake. I wish I was there now. It's a cold, gray, windy day here, and I'm not feeling like doing much of anything. Blah! My friend Michelle's wedding shower is next weekend, so I'm going to make some smaller flowerpots as gifts for the shower games. I'll post some pics when I get them all finished. Oh, speaking of Michelle's wedding...I'm one of the bridesmaids, so I've been trying to watch what I eat, you know so I can fit in my dress and all, but these cookies were calling out to me while I was in the store today. They're colorful AND comfort food. That's doubly justifiable, right?

Quote of the day - The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts. - Marcus Aurelius


Zooming into Spring

Two very exciting things happened recently...Spring happened, and I got a new camera! So...of course I have pictures of flowers.

Quote of the day - Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" - Robin Williams


Can I Paint One?

I asked Macy to paint me a flowerpot with watercolors, like the one I was trying to design for my business card. As she stood painting at the dining room table, the neighbor girls and Madison came in saying, "Hey, can I do one? I want to paint one."...and so they did. One by one, they painted their picture, while I washed brushes, and refreshed water and paper towels each time. I love their enthusiasm, and I also love that, although slightly similar, each one interpreted the flower pot in her own way. Aren't they great?

Quote of the day - The world is as many times new as there are children in our lives. - Robert Brault



Here is the "practice pot." I like it! I decided to try it out with Madison's dog drawings. At the time, she only had 14 dogs, now she has over 100! My favorites are, Salami Dog, Patches, and Slush. I wish I could show them all to you! Maybe a pot full of dogs is in my future. So, what do you think?

Quote of the day - Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. - Martin Luther King, Jr.